I have so enjoyed hearing the varied stories from countless people about their personal experiences with our recent ice storm. When life as we ordinarily know it dramatically shifts...how do we handle it? For those who COULD not get out of their homes for about a week and for some even longer-major spring cleaning took place, organizing photos, getting ready for taxes, reading books, watching movies, over-eating, hobbies, game playing, cabin fever, new recipes without the usual essentials on hand, cold temperatures with no heat, arguments and reconciliations, fear, 22 deaths, broken bones from falls on ice, delightful bonding and sledding time with kids and MUCH more. How exciting it was to get to the grocery store at last for many! I had been hoping two weeks ago that we would have some REAL winter. We got it! I’ve got to say I don’t relish the idea of closing the doors for business, and losing an entire week of income, but it was the safe, logical and right thing to do. Barely anyone could show up for yoga class downtown Kingston Springs anyway. The ice storm also provided me a deep rest and opportunity for moving slowing and reflecting, and attention (for a change) to some of my whims in lieu of the typical running around I do to teach a dozen classes per week. It was like I say in yoga...a long exhale! I feel more complete and satisfied now from the winter coming to fruition, rested from the forced hibernation and ready for spring. Look forward to seeing you in class soon!
Linda Schaerer-Mills