Studio Mills Classes Join us in the studio or on our virtual yoga on Zoom Mondays and Wednesdays 9:15-10:15 AM Central and Saturdays 9:15-10:30 AM. We live broadcast the class from the studio. Contact Linda for a link.

Events that have been brought to Studio Mills include Live Music Yoga with Tom Shinness,  Broga® Yoga, Circle Dance, Breema Yoga and The Painting Journal® with Julie Russell, Sacred Drum Circle with Blue Heron, Zo Newell (RIP) workshops, teacher trainings and week-end workshops with Cora Wen, The Passion Test, aromatherapy, Mindfulness, Kirtan with Amy Barnes and friends, Couples Massage and reflexology, Weight Watchers, Course in Miracles, Partner Yoga, even a Holiday Mindfulness Class with coconut oil (really) and much more.  Get on our mailing list so you'll be up-to-date.  

Gentle Yoga 

Mon Wed 9:15-10:15AM Sat 9:15-10:30AM

Linda Mills, owner/instructor

Linda Mills, owner/instructor


Linda is always focusing on stress  reduction.  Join Linda Mills, E-RYT 500 and Certified Yoga Therapist, for a unique class each time as she guides you through meditation, asana, inspiration, and even some dance and exhilaration frequently.  Linda is energetic, loving and intuitive to regulars and newbies alike.  A yoga instructor for over 20 years, she taught at Vanderbilt and teaches at facilities for the  special people in our area.  Read her bio.


Gentle Yoga 

Anna Hornsby, instructor

Anna Hornsby, instructor

Anna offers slow flowing feel-good yoga. "Yoga is not always comfortable, but it should never be painful. Keep the breath softly flowing and enjoy the joy and pleasure of moving to soft music.  Feel the connection- body, mind and spirit." Anna's goal is for her students to feel calm, peaceful, energized and ready for the rest of the day or to culminate the evening.


Gentle Yoga

Tanoa Witzgall, Instructor

Tanoa Witzgall, Instructor

Tanoa is originally from western Kentucky and moved to Nashville in 2014 to attend Vanderbilt University. She holds a Doctorate of Education and is a National Board Certified Teacher specializing in Deaf Education. She received her RYT 200 certification in Raja Yoga in Costa Rica in 2016, and she taught yoga in East Nashville prior to moving closer to Studio Mills. She has taught restorative yoga, yoga nidra, and vinyasa yoga, and describes her style of teaching as intuitive and seeks to facilitate an environment congruent with personal growth. She feels that everyone needs something unique and doesn't believe in a one size-fits-all approach. Her unique interest in sound perception and the effects of sound on the body is infused in her classes. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her 2 year old daughter and her husband, painting, running, and meditating.