There's still a bit of snow/ice left to melt and next week is forecast to bring 60s (!), wind and a big taste of spring. I noticed a gaggle of robins in the neighborhood yards this past week and that's a sure sign of warmer weather. Class sizes have been larger this week as we missed a whole week of class the week before due to ice mostly mixed with snow.
News for this upcoming week: regular classes will meet as scheduled, Jen starts her Foundation to Power Yoga Part 2 Thursday at 6PM. The six-week series is $75 or $15 for walk-in. If the first series is any barometer, the second series will help you to build greater strength, stability and endurance. And you'll probably sleep better.
Beth is winding up her first Iyengar series Friday March 13th. A next Iyengar series with Beth will start shortly after that. Iyengar deals with alignment of bones, joints and muscles in a very unique way. I found the Iyengar system to be very helpful in helping me get my poses better defined.
Linda's classes this week are expected to be more restorative as the Full Worm Moon appears March 5th. Considered to be the last full moon of winter, its name is derived as "earthworm casts appear, heralding the return of the robins." ~farmers' almanac
Our clocks, with exceptions, will need to be set ahead one hour on Sunday March 8th at 2 AM. I better do that Saturday night before hitting the hay. The added hour of daylight will allow us more time outside, I hope.
The sunset picture above at Destin encourages me to rest assured that warmer weather is on the way. Time for friends, the great outdoors, deck-sitting, vacation, beach, pool, yard, play, music, camping, kayaking, lounging. They're all just around the corner.
Come do yoga with us! You're perfect just the way you are. Feel how good yoga can help you feel! See you in class soon! Brian