Donna at the Bellevue Library asked Linda Mills if she was interested in teaching Kids Yoga on the Saturdays in April, and of course, Linda said "sure". I was honored when Linda extended the invitation to me to assist. We had a plan and it was a good one - that could be easily altered. When three showed up, the Bellevue Easter Egg Hunt was coinciding, we needed some tweaking of our plans. It went well and on week two we had six interested yogis. Where are the boys? We have two more FREE kids yoga at the beautiful new Bellevue Library at 720 Baugh Rd., Bellevue the next two Saturdays, 4/18 and 4/25, for ages 5-12. Bring your young-uns. I'll be teaching this Saturday for vacationing Linda and she'll return for the following class. Moms, you can do yoga with us, as one did as her daughter practiced. Admission is bring at least one child with you. Namaste, Brian