I have never allowed myself the luxury of a two week vacation until this past December. Being in south Florida in my old ‘hood with paradise temperatures EVERY day, having loving family nearby to visit, (parents age 87 and 93 still vibrant and playing tennis), HUGE ripe avocadoes 2 for $1.00, tennis, sunrises, swims and walks on the beach, watching the transitions of the ocean, and bike rides were pretty darn spectacular. Came back to dreary Nashville weather, but also came back to loving friends and great yogis at STUDIO MILLS which truly ignites my passion. On Thursday, New Year’s Eve, I was thrilled that 12 yogis showed up for my Candlelight Yoga and Burning Bowl ritual class from 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. What a wonderful way to bring in 2015! Brian and I even found ourselves up and awake for the ball drop at midnight. I’m looking forward to putting fresh classes together for you in this New Year. Hope to see each of you in class.
So many things have been spoken over the past two years between Linda, me and yogis who are committed to their yoga practice and regular students in class. We want you to come back or keep coming to class, attend different classes and our other events. Expand your horizons, experience the transformation that yoga can bring.
The tree has bore fruit. We have this new website(a year in the making) and as you can see in the class schedule that a lot is happening this year, in the line of a March retreat, Jen's Thursday night "Foundation to Power" 6-week series starting this Thursday, Beth's Iyengar 8-week series starts Friday, and our regularly scheduled and wonderful weekly yoga classes. These are offered so we all can experience some fundamental building blocks that prepare us for resilience to stress and illness, increasing our openness and flexibility, strength (physical and inner) and endurance.
I personally am planning on doing Jen's and Beth's classes because I want to work on my personal yoga. As instructor of the Tuesday night Elements class, I sometimes lose inspiration. Preparing music, flows, poses takes time and usually the plan changes when yogis show up for class. I need to be a student sometimes so I can feel more of what yoga is doing for me. My intention is to share my yoga with you as you share your yoga with me.
See you in class soon! Namaste, Brian