Beth Nelson is a Certified Iyengar Instructor. She has been studying yoga for over 20 years, and teaching since 2000. In addition to teaching yoga, she is also a Licensed Professional Counselor in private practice in Nashville.
Beth is teaching a new class at Studio Mills, which starts in January, 2015, and is for students new to Iyengar yoga, or who have had some exposure to Iyengar yoga and would like to learn more. Beginner poses are challenging and rewarding! This class will focus on classical standing poses, seated poses, inversions, and relaxation poses. The poses that are learned in this course are a necessary foundation for all continuing study in the Iyengar method. This will be an 8 week course, for $80, if paid for in full. Drop in fee will be $15. Classes are 75 minutes long, and will be held Friday mornings at 10:30. Start date is January 9th, the 2nd Friday of 2015.